Beacon Update V1.11 Notes
We are excited to announce the newest Beacon updates designed to help teams improve global quality controls. The 1.11 release includes better control over who is notified of non-conformances, accommodation of schedules as complex as the DuPont rotating shifts, reassigning audits to available people, single sign-on support, and enhanced control and reporting for global organizations.
New panels: % complete by site, mitigation summary, auditor activity, countermeasures
Ensuring that managers and directors get the best data they need to make informed decisions is a main goal here at Ease. We constantly strive to find new ways to look at the data generated by automating audits with Beacon. We have introduced new interactive charts for regional and global managers to view audit and mitigation data across sites. These same charts can be used to drill down to get a more granular look into each site. We’ve also added charts to give insight into specific auditor performance and the most common ways that managers are closing out mitigations.
Rotating shifts
Operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week usually involves complex rotating shift patterns. The most complex that we have seen is the DuPont rotating schedule. These complex schedules can make it difficult to ensure that your Layer 1 auditors can complete audits on the days that they work. Shift schedules are now incredibly flexible in Beacon, which makes sure that all of your audits are completed on the right days.
Single Sign On
Password management can be one of the most frustrating aspects of using a Saas product at your manufacturing site. Beacon now supports single sign on, which means your auditors do not have to manager another username and password to access their audits and reports in Beacon
Specific managers for failures
Making sure that non-conformances are initially assigned to the people is crucial to closing issues in a timely manner. You can now specify managers as a responsible party for specific audit questions.
Reassign audits
Sometimes audits are not done because the auditor was sick, went on vacation, or is otherwise unavailable. You can now reassign or delete audits in bulk. Use filters to find the right person and date range and then choose who the new auditor should be.
Global settings or site settings
We enhanced the functionality for you to exercise as much or as little global/regional control over Beacon functionality as needed. Sites can operate completely independently or global/regional quality directors can standardize options across plants. Either way, you’ll have an insight into the operations and data generated in Beacon.
You can see the full press release here.