EASE Summer 2022 Release
Introduces Observations Workflow and In-Audit Insights, and Enables Next-Level Non-Conformance Management
What's New in the EASE Summer 2022 Release
The Summer 2022 Release of EASE is here! Check out the new features and enhancements below.
In-Audit Findings Insights
Recurring issues are the enemy of any plant floor audit program. If issues are occurring in multiple locations within a plant, being found and not addressed, or if non-conformances are being closed out only to occur again shortly thereafter, then the effectiveness of the audits themselves can be called into question. Beyond quality or safety issues, this can also result in a demoralized workforce. Real-time visibility into audit findings and their corresponding resolutions is paramount.
The EASE Summer 2022 Release introduces a new in-audit indicator for repeat findings. Now, if any audit question has failed anywhere in the plant in the last 30 days, any audit that contains that question will display a notification allowing auditors to see what mitigations have been created, their status and who they have been assigned to, where in the plant the issue occurred, who reported the issue in their audit, and for layered process audits (LPAs), what management layer the auditor belongs to. This can help manufacturers identify recurring non-conformances within a plant faster and, combined with an all-new module for reporting findings outside of audits (below), could enable auditors to suggest that leadership initiate a formal CAPA event to identify the root cause of the issue.

Non-Audit Findings
Plant floor audits and inspections, particularly Layered Process Audits (LPAs), are a critical component of identifying non-conformances and risks before they lead to quality or safety issues. Equally important to fostering a culture of quality and safety, however, is ensuring that anyone on the plant floor feels empowered to report any behavior or conditions that they observe at any time and that there is an effective mechanism for ensuring that any incident, whether positive or potentially hazardous, is appropriately followed up on.
Tracking these observations is often done separately from tracking issues identified in LPAs and other audit programs, making it hard to connect the dots on common issues and potentially leading to quality and safety risks that don’t get the appropriate amount of attention that they deserve.
The EASE Summer 2022 Release debuts a brand-new module for reporting findings outside of assigned or impromptu audits. Using this fully customizable new module, EASE customers will be able to configure what types of findings they want their teams to be able to report. Then, any member of their organization will have the ability to record safety observations, create incident reports, notify maintenance, and more. This includes the same ability to add reference files and photos and create issue mitigations that they would have if conducting an audit. Combined with a dedicated Non-Audit Findings view and all of the powerful visual reporting capabilities of EASE, this will help EASE customers further ensure that no issues are falling through the cracks on their plant floors and identify trends that could indicate systemic issues.

Issue Mitigation Enhancements
Unique Urgency Levels by Audit Program

Updates to the New Document and Question Interface

Additional Enhancements