
Why It's Time to Take Safety Inspections Digital

Duration: 60 minutes

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the manufacturing industry has the second highest number of recordable workplace injuries and illnesses in the United States, exceeded only by healthcare. The worst part is the simple truth that most workplace accidents are preventable.

Yet many organizations deprioritize investing in safety, despite the fact that avoiding even one injury can deliver tens of thousands (or more) in savings while protecting workers.

Digital safety inspections help manufacturers work safer by addressing many of the key shortfalls associated with traditional ‘pen and paper’ safety inspections, including low frequency, inefficient issue resolution, ineffective reporting and lack of engagement.

We reveal concrete steps manufacturers can take today to leverage digital tools and approaches that dramatically impact plant floor safety.

You’ll learn:

  • The inherent problems with ‘pen and paper’ safety inspection programs
  • 5 ways digital safety inspections help manufacturers improve plant floor safety
  • 7 leading safety indicators you can track with digital safety inspections

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Jenny Fuller 800x800 768x768
Jenny Fuller
HSE Consultant, Lancaster Safety
Nicole Stempak 768x768
Nicole Stempak
Managing Editor, EHS Today